A. It’s a combined HD screen with print in a video book. A winning combination to showcase your brand. It’s an innovative marketing tool. It has a 360 degree HD crystal clear screen with quality speakers. The appeal of video content is growing so it can help generate new sales leads.
A. Yes. Each of our Video Brochures comes supplied with a USB lead which just plugs into your computer.
A. Yes. Any time you want to add a new updated video you can plug the USB lead into your computer. Move your old video into your computer waste basket then transfer your new video into it’s place.
A. Yes, ie you can have an actual book fitted into it. It can have a flap inserted in the front cover for you to put leaflets in. It can be in a promotional box with other items such as a pen and mug. The choice is endless.
A. Yes. If you give us any guidelines, logos or fonts you have we will create a fully branded Video Brochure.
We would love to show you some great examples which have exclusive new products including:
1. Touch Screen
2. Round Screen (new for 2020)
3. WiFi updateable
4. Video linked turn page books (great for multi-message delivery)
As the UK’s leading supplier of high quality video brochures we have worked with companies of all sizes including Honda, Siemens and B&Q to name a few.
The applications can extend beyond sales and marketing to include:
1. Training Material & Handbooks
2. International/Multi-Language Information Updates
3. Product User Manuals
4. Redeemable Gift Cards
#VideoBrochuresQAs #Questionandanswersaboutvideobrochures #QAavoutvideobooks #Questionandanswers #Howdovideobrochureswork #Arevideobrochureseasytouse #videobrochure #videodirectmail #videoproductionbrochure #customvideobrochures #videobusinesscards #digitalvideobusinesscards #howcanvideobrochureshelpme #promotionalvideocards #videobookmarketing #tvinacard #AudioVisualMarketingAudio #promotionalvideobrochure #howdovideobrochureswork #howsuccessfularevideobrochures #successfulmarketingtool #videoinprint #HDscreens #canIrechargevideobrochures #rechargeablevideobrochures #printincorporatingHDscreen #rhowcanIpromotemybusiness #videobrochurebox #videobrochuresmarketing #videobrochuresuk #videoinacard #videobooks #videobrochurecard #videobrochuremanufacturer #whatscreensizesareavailable #brochurewithvideoscreen #videoinprintbrochure #videomarketingbrochures #canIresusevideobrochures